Extended General Council – June 2024

The Extended General Council (EGC) of the Congregation June 2024, will be held in Le Puy en Velay, France. It is the place of our “source” and we return to it for a week of prayer, sharing, conversations and consultations about how best to, “allow the unfolding of common directions in accordance with the guidelines of General Chapter in a spirit of openness to the Church and the needs of each country.” (Const. 158)

EGC June 16


The group had a personal sharing with a symbolic object which expresses oneself.


EGC June 17


Women of the -pilgrims. Sr. Marcelle, the Regional Superior of Egypt led us to the prayer allowing each one to place a flag, meaning that we respect each other. Sharing of the State of the House was integrated with Spiritual Conversation.

EGC June 18


Prayer was led by Sr. Juana, Provincial of Mexican Province.
Nancy Banckroft, a Laywoman, spoke to us today about leadership and group cohesion.
Followed by the discussions on commissions such as finance, JPIC and a think tank for supplements.

EGC June 19


Day began with the prayer led by Sr. Sophy Mathew, Provincial of Nava Jeevan Province, India and continued with the discussion on Formation and Laity.
Afternoon was the Pilgrimage to “the Kitchen” of our first siters and other site seeing in Le Puy.

EGC June 20


Praying moment led by Sr. Lilly, Provincial of St. Joseph Province, India.
Nancy Bancroft continued the session on Conflicts Management Styles.
In the afternoon, few proposals were presented and discussed on and ended the day with the dinner.

EGC June 21


Today’s prayer was led by Sr. Colette Ayo, Regional superior of West Africa and continued the discussions on Planning for the next EGC and other.
Closing prayer was guided by Sr. Catherine Fromager, provincial of Europe Province, which included sharing the state of the hearts. Followed by a word of gratitude to all.

EGC June 22


Visited Mother St. John’s home town on our way back to Lyon.

Session on Communication

Sr. Vimala Had attended a session on Communication In Paris organised by CORREF


Season of Creation

St. Joseph school Celebrated Season of Creation with the "Title Small hand can bring changes"

Investiture Ceremony

Investiture Ceremony

The grace of Lourdes at home

Launched in 2021, by the rector of the Notre-Dame de Lourdes sanctuary, Father Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, the Missions Notre-Dame de Lourdes intend to “Bring Lourdes outside of Lourdes”. This is how the diocese of Belley-Ars, through its diocesan service of Pilgrimages...

Inter-community: Messimy – Lalo

We extended our inter-community meeting by inviting the two sisters of the Holy Family of St Etienne: Sister Marie Jean and Sister Paul Marie. Our enlarged inter-community has given us the joy of getting to know each other better, each having shared their journey in...

Jubilee of Colette Soro !

on December 12,2012 in Tougan, Burkina Faso. Nadège Zerbo pronounced her perpetual vows.

FRATELLI TUTTI … on a daily basis

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