The whole world has visited our house: from July to December 2020, I welcomed them and introduced them to the part of cleaning that fell to them.
Yes, the whole world was represented: Pakistan, Romania, Morocco, Algeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Albania, Peru.
Everyone circulated in our big house, as well as home helpers, nurses. What a bond we have forged.
The first names I did not remember them, but I shared a bit of their journey:
– From Pakistan, this lady who arrived recently because of the war, her husband died at the end of the year from the virus, without her being able to see him again, to assist him in the hospital. She remains alone with four school children. She was very brave and said she was well surrounded by neighbors and social workers.
– From Morocco, this young woman who recommends herself to our prayers, very religious, she had two miscarriages and tells us of her desire to have children.
– From Romania, a young student who needs money to continue her studies.
– From Peru, this young man, a law student in his country, which he left for political reasons. Unfit for the service requested, but so cordial, he was often on his phone and forgot the service requested.
Many expressed something of their difficulties: a feeling of rejection in their country, of judgment, of racism, of lack of freedom.
We experienced an aspect of “Fratelli Tutti” in this welcome and accompaniment. All were happy to come to our home, to discover our welcome and our community life, and ventured to share a few confidences, feeling listened to; this is very important to them.
We all carry them in our personal and community prayer.